A flower never thinks of competing with the flower blooming next to it; it just blooms to its glory. It's the beauty of flowers.
Bloom like a flower
Bloom like a flower, and you shall rise!
Have you ever thought of yourself this way?
A flower never thinks of competing with the flower blooming next to it; it just blooms to its glory. It's the beauty of flowers.
Try to be like a flower that blooms, and you will have no regrets in life because then you will not be afraid of the competition surrounding you; all you will focus on is living your life to the fullest. Competition kills us every day. Every moment gives us stress and keeps us restless. It makes us hide our own identity from ourselves. We may often be winners of many competitions, but we are left alone and unhappy within ourselves.
So, my dear friends, my dear beloveds, focus on yourself and enjoy yourself in every phase of life; you shall bloom like flowers.